Hi! My name is Yanina!

Yanina is a mom, teacher, speaker, researcher, and writer. She is currently working on her Ph.D. She loves sharing brain-friendly tips for classroom design, instruction, and classroom atmosphere on her Brain-friendly Teacher Academy. 

Brain-friendly Teacher Academy is a free platform where she shares professional development videos and resources for free, so teachers from around the globe can access it to transform their teaching practices and their students’ learning experiences. https://yanina-s-school.thinkific.com/courses/sendmebraintips

This academy has a special place for this book, where you will find the resources to take the information on this book to the next level in your classroom: https://yanina-s-school.thinkific.com/courses/brainfriendlyteacherbookresources 

She also loves connecting with other teachers on social media while constantly sharing her research in practical tips to be used right away in your classroom.

Instagram: https://instagram.com/lets.celebrate.learning 

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/braintipsforyourclassroom 

Yanina loves Jesus, her family, nature, traveling, fruit tarts, her many animals at her farm in Illinois, and her multi-grade classroom family!

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